Reporting to Law Enforcement

Reports to the police start criminal investigations

To Report Crimes Occurring On or Near a UCF Campus

If you’ve experienced sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking you are strongly encouraged to call the police. The UCF Police are responsible for all criminal investigations of on-campus crimes. For off-campus crimes, state or local police are responsible for investigations, however if you are not sure where to begin, call UCF Police for help.




UCF Police Department

3610 Libra Drive

Orlando, FL 32816-3550

407-823-5555 (Non-emergency number)

Map of UCF Police Jurisdiction


To Report a Crime Occurring Off-Campus

Most UCF students and employees live close to campus, so here are a few of the local jurisdictions to which you can report a crime:

Local or County Agencies

State or Federal Agencies


If you are not sure what law enforcement agency to report to, you can use this Find a Law Enforcement Agency tool. Just input the address information (where the crime occurred) and the tool will direct you to the appropriate agency.