Immediate Steps: Sexual or Relationship Violence or Stalking

There are steps you can take immediately after incident

Complainants can choose how they want to respond to their experience. There is no single right way to access help. Below are some suggested steps you can take following an experience of sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking.


Important Phone Numbers


Immediate steps

  • Go to a safe place. On-campus, your RA’s room, a friend’s room, or any open offices are good choices.
  • Call someone you trust. A friend, family member or victim advocate are all good resources. You do not have to go through this alone.
  • Preserve evidence. After sexual violence, do not shower until you have considered whether to have a no-cost sexual assault forensic exam. You do not need to make a formal report or press charges to have a sexual assault forensic exam. Save the clothes you were wearing (unwashed) in a paper or cloth bag. After sexual violence, relationship violence, and/or stalking, take photos of any damage or injury and keep communication records (i.e. texts, emails, letters).


Within 24 hours

  • Seek out support. You may want to turn to a confidential advocate or counselor or any of the on-campus resources for support and information. They will talk with you about your options for additional support services and reporting.
  • After unwanted physical contact, get medical care. A medical provider can check and treat you for physical injury, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. You do not need to make a formal report or press charges to receive medical care. But if you decide to report the assault in the future, getting medical care, including a sexual assault exam within 120 hours (5 days) of an assault can allow for collection and preservation of important forensic and/or DNA evidence.


At any time

  • Consider making a report. There are two channels to make a report regarding what happened to you. The first is with the police and the other is with UCF’s Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). You are encouraged to report through both channels but, ultimately, that decision is yours and yours only. Keep in mind that OIE is a University office and there are differences between reporting to OIE and filing criminal charges with the police. As stated in the Nondiscrimination Policy and the Golden Rule Student Handbook, the University will not pursue disciplinary action against Complainants or witnesses for disclosure of illegal personal consumption of drugs or alcohol where such disclosures are made in connection with a good faith report or investigation of Prohibited Conduct.
  • You can ask for Remedial Measure only. Even if you do not want UCF to investigate the incident, the Title IX Remedial Measures Specialist can help you access services and accommodations which can help support you as you continue your education and/or employment. The Title IX Remedial Measure Specialist can help assist you with changes to your housing, classes, work, student activities and more.