Pregnancy and Parenting: Nondiscrimination and Reasonable Accommodations

Parenting and Pregnancy at UCF


Information for Students and Employees Regarding Pregnancy, Pregnancy-Related Conditions, and Childbirth

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex (including pregnancy and parental status) in educational programs or activities including academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of schools. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA) prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. UCF Policy 2.004 prohibits discrimination based on sex (including pregnancy and parental status). In addition to this page, information on UCF’s commitment and guidance can be found via below.

For Students: Pregnancy-and-Parental-Status-Guidance-Document-June 2024

For Employees: Pregnancy-and-Parental-Status-Guidance-Document- June 2024


University students and employees have the right to be free from discrimination because of pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, including but not limited to lactation or the need to express breast milk for a nursing child. The University will reasonably accommodate employees for pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, absent an undue burden for the University or fundamental alteration of a course or program. It is unlawful and contrary to University policy to deny an employment or educational opportunity or take adverse action against an individual because of pregnancy or a condition related to pregnancy, provided that the individual is capable of performing the essential functions of their position, with or without reasonable accommodation. Adverse action against employees or students who request or use reasonable accommodations is likewise prohibited.


Requests for accommodation related to pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, and/or childbirth should be filed with the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). The University’s Title IX Coordinator,, or designee is responsible for administering the accommodation request review process. Some requests also may be reviewed under applicable disability accommodations processes pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Accommodation Requests

UCF is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting faculty, staff and students. Individuals may request reasonable accommodations as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. Reasonable accommodations vary based on the individual circumstances, but may include: academic accommodations and flexibility (such as breaks during class, excused absences, rescheduling of tests, extensions of deadlines, and alternatives to make up missed work); leaves of absences or changes in work schedules; changes to housing; or other types of accommodations. Individuals requesting reasonable accommodations should begin by completing the appropriate Pregnancy Accommodation Request Form:


If you need additional assistance, please contact OIE at (407) 823-1336 or As part of this process, OIE likely will request medical documentation in support of the requested accommodation. While some accommodations are relatively straightforward, others may require further information during the review. Also, as part of OIE’s assessment of the request, OIE will likely contact faculty (for students) or supervisors (for employees) to discuss the requested accommodations to ensure that the accommodations are reasonable. Accommodations may only be implemented if they do not pose an undue burden or, in the case of student academic accommodations, fundamentally alter the course(s) impacted by the proposed accommodation.


Expectant Parents Parking Program

Student permit holders in their third trimester of pregnancy may elect to reserve an expectant mother space in their permitted lot. For convenience, a spot may be selected by the expectant mother to provide a location with closer proximity to her primary destination, within the parameters of her previously assigned lot. Should the permit holder need to make these arrangements prior to the third trimester due to a high risk or otherwise problematic condition, please contact Student Care Services as soon as possible. Students must be enrolled as a full-time (12 credit hours) student (online classes do not qualify). To request expectant mother parking, please email or call 407-823-1336 for more information.


Faculty and staff permit holders in their third trimester of pregnancy may elect to reserve an expectant mother space in their permitted lot. For convenience, a spot may be selected by the expectant mother to provide a location with closer proximity to her primary destination, within the parameters of her previously assigned lot. Should the permit holder need to make these arrangements prior to the third trimester due to a high risk or otherwise problematic condition, please contact the Leave of Absence and Worker’s Comp team as soon as possible, so we can provide you with this service.  Please complete the Expectant Mothers Parking Request Form and email the completed form to


Lactation Privacy Rooms

UCF provides reasonable breaktime and access to appropriate facilities for the purpose of expressing breastmilk. A reasonable accommodation may include allowing breastfeeding employees or students reasonable time and space to pump breastmilk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible (bathroom stalls do not meet this requirement). Students and employees may take reasonable breaks during the day for the purpose of lactation for up to one year following childbirth. Employees are allowed to express milk during work hours using their normal break and mealtimes. For time that may be needed beyond the usual break times, employees may use available leave balances (annual or compensatory) or may use leave without pay or make up the time as negotiated with their supervisors (coming in early, staying late). See UCF Human Resources procedure below. Students may be granted a lactation break during a longer course meeting (two or more hours in length).


Campus Lactation Rooms

UCF Human Resources Procedure for Break Times and Locations for Nursing Employees