Sex Discrimination

Sex Discrimination Defined

Unlawful discrimination is any unlawful distinction, preference, or detriment to an individual that is based upon an individual’s sex (including pregnancy, parental status, gender identity or expression, and sexual orientation) or membership in another protected class and that: (1) excludes an individual from participation in; (2) denies the individual the benefits of; (3) treats the individual differently with regard to; or (4) otherwise adversely affects a term or condition of an individual’s employment, education, living environment or participation in a university program or activity.


What about Pregnancy?

Pregnancy discrimination includes failing to reasonably accommodate an employee’s or student’s pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition where the accommodation does not impose an undue hardship and does not fundamentally alter a course or academic program. For more information on pregnancy-related accommodations, please visit our Pregnancy and Parenting page or contact the Office of Institutional Equity.